Why your Strategic Risk Assessment Delivers More Breakthrough Results?

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As business leaders emphasise operational efficiency and business continuity in the current economic climate, organisations are operating in a constantly changing environment where new risks and threats care arise (without warning) at any time. Risk assessment is an essential component of any organisation’s governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) program. Strategic Risk Assessment plays a … Read more

How to Research the right Strategic Risk Management Framework?

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Organisations encounter a variety of risks that can have a substantial impact on its operations and overall success. Aligning Risk Management strategy with organisational goals is imperative for effectively mitigating these potential threats and achieving sustainable growth objectives. This approach, known as Strategic Risk Management, not only contributes to the organisation’s capacity to identify and … Read more

How Strategic Risk Management Determines your New Targeted Focus?

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Most corporate strategies initially start but also end in the boardroom. Many organisations will have a top-level strategy plan that comprises of their Mission Statement and a series of strategic goals and key objectives. However, putting Strategic Risk Management into action involves several steps but many organisations struggle to cascade their strategic plans throughout the … Read more

How to Best the Emerging Pitfalls of Strategic Risk Management?

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Regardless of industry sectors, it is critically important for organisations to build and maintain resilience to sustainably navigate their risks and future opportunities. How quickly and effectively risks can be identified (and managed) will determine how well businesses will recover and rebuild – these factors alone develop the rethinking of Risk Management strategies. While financial … Read more

How to use Business Impact Analysis for Targeted Continuity Innovation?

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Risk is not optional and is an evitable part of business growth. Every organisation must deal with change and shifting priorities, and therefore will confront risks at some point in the future. Yet, many organisations do not pursue “best practice” and fail to realise the most value from their efforts – the topic of growing … Read more

How to make Business Impact Analysis deliver Better Decision-Making?

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Disruptive events can affect your organisation in many ways. To build and maintain resilience, your Executive Management Team leads your organisational strategy and accepts the responsibility for which business risks are worth taking. But accepting the possibility of business disruption is not enough. An organisation must be “risk ready” to respond to those disruptions and … Read more

Why Business Impact Analysis Empowers your Priorities and Hidden Perspective?

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Businesses don’t operate without risks, but risks are inherent in any business. These interruptions vary from a global COVID-19 pandemic changing the market landscape or to a new technology rendering existing products and services useless. When the risk of normal business practices is volatile, it becomes critically imperative for organisations to forecast what market channels, … Read more

What Important Objectives does a Business Impact Analysis overcome?

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Organisations are facing more disruptions as they deal with an increasingly complex threat landscape from both internal and external risks. What is particularly important is for Risk Management leaders is to commit to a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to identify the impact of downtime, data loss requirements, recovery time, and many more instances. Business Continuity … Read more

Why Business Impact Analysis uncovers Emerging Risks in an Organisation?

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Many of today’s organisations are more technologically advanced, automated, and data-driven than ever before, but they are still not immune to the perennial problem of business disruption and the ability to pivot or change direction to circumvent risks. Risk is always on the horizon! Disruptive events such as natural disasters, market conditions, utility failures to … Read more

Why Risk Factors can Impact your Business Results and Growth?

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Organisations that fail to implement robust Risk Management face significant internal and external threats. Every organisation takes risks but just the same, business decisions also come with risks. Risk Management is a dynamic process. It pivots, shifts focus as internal and external influences change, but it also requires collaborative thinking (and engaged communication) across an … Read more