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What We do

Consulting Services

Success begins with strategy alignment. Create value through actionable planning and an objective for change.

Strategy is the key driver for strong business results. Your Strategy Plan (initial and updated) needs to account for an ever-changing and disruptive business environment and must deliver value for your customers and business users. It is essential and critical to the success of your business!

A Strategy Roadmap and actionable Strategy Plan, helps businesses make informed decisions about their organisation’s future and direction. The Reworq Consulting approach to strategy implementation will help you mitigate three (3) key breakdown areas – Communication, Commitment, Accountability.

Whether it’s leveraging market and customer analytics to streamlining operational efficiency, adjusting to regulatory changes, or executing digital transformation, we’ll help you define your vision and navigate the next step in your transformation journey.

Capability Areas

Change Management

Failure to successfully prepare and implement “strategy” for both designing and managing change means there is no shared purpose, and any benefits cannot be identified, realised, or achieved.

Organisations often struggle with the complexity of change and the process to minimise disruption to their current operations. Whatever the type of Change Management programme that you want to implement, the answer simply exists within your very own organisation – your people!

Your people are the most important part of your organisation. Without their skills, motivational drivers, beliefs and support, your business will never adapt to change. Through strategic engagement and communication plans, business change capacity also requires a creative identity – the emotional buy-in to values from the Executive Team, stakeholders, and your people – and the benefits realisation to leverage change. Ultimately, it’s the people in your organisation that will lead, adopt, and sustain change by embedding new behaviours, ethics, and ways of working.

Reworq Consulting will work with you to articulate a clear vision and objective for change. We work in collaboration with our clients to identify opportunities for improvement across the organisation, people, process, data, and technology dimensions. So we can effectively have the organisation embrace and adopt processes and solutions.

We assist clients in the development or improvement of their Strategy Roadmap, Strategy Plan and business planning processes. We help clients embed a continuous improvement culture that supports strategy execution and the realisation of overall business goals.

Change & Strategy Planning

  • Change and Adoption Planning
  • Communication Plans
  • Strategy Assessments and Plans
  • Strategy Roadmaps

Our Value Proposition

change management strategy maximise engagement project plans

Maximise Engagement

Translate your change strategy into tailored project plans that engage stakeholders, increase
‘buy-in’, and adoption of the project lifecycle.

change management strategy create flexibility agile processes

Create Flexibility

Create an organisation with Agile processes and commitments on Strategy and Planning.
change management strategy improve culture efficient communication

Improve Culture

Improve your culture through more efficient communication. Amplify trust with key stakeholders (and teams) by preparing them for the impact of change.

Process Management

Most organisations measure what’s easy but not what’s fundamentally important to creating a competitive advantage. Additionally, many Senior Executives struggle to scale their organisations based on inadequate process infrastructure.

Business Process Management (BPM) is the foundation of your organisational improvement strategy, which can drive performance and sustainable change. By assessing an organisation’s process language with defining and improving business processes to align with process-based performance measures (think strategy, purpose, and intent), Executive Management Teams can drive significant contribution to strategy formulation and deployment.

Best practice performance is enabled through clear accountability and is a predictive measure of a well-managed and structured organisation. The fundamental key to scaling an organisation is to engage your staff to define, scope, and deploy strong processes that create customer value to deliver repeatable outcomes and efficiency. A horizontal organisation that aligns management with workflow, cross-trains staff, and develops their capabilities to provide a long-term foundation to building robust business systems and processes.

Reworq Consulting provides a business architecture that is designed for process-based definition, management, and delivers integrated performance improvement. Our approach is to improve the way your people, resources, and technology operate together to produce value for your customers. We have most likely seen this disconnected problem before, built new processes, and utilised our extensive experience to partner with clients to implement solutions.

Our methodology principle is based on those people who do the work (and process) should define and improve the process. We combine our clients’ business expertise with Reworq Consulting expertise in process and workflow improvement and implemented via facilitated workshops, but developed in collaboration with client teams. We take a critical look at how your day-to-day functions either contribute or detract from short and long-term goals.

Business Process Management (BPM)

  • Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)
  • Policies, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)
  • Process Optimisation
  • Process Analysis, Process Mapping, Process Redesign and Standardisation
  • Simplify before IT / SaaS Deployment

Our Value Proposition

business process management bpm pivoting outputs internal resources teamwork

Pivoting Outputs

Strengthen core competencies by leveraging internal resources (key stakeholders and teams) to commit and focus on producing more value for customers.

business process management bpm create flexibility agile processes

Create Flexibility

Create an organisation with Agile processes and commitment on Business Process improvement.
business process management bpm improve scalability business goals

Improve Scalability

Improve your scalability through more efficient processes. Critique day-to-day functions and rework your operations to align with business goals.

Project Management

Strategy forms the decision about products, process, initiatives, and including projects. However, an overwhelming majority of companies fail to understand the concept of using a strategic vision to maximise value, when selecting their projects and identifying (and choosing) the right projects to work on.

Strategic Project Management is about designing and managing your portfolio of projects to ensure that it supports your strategy. The key is to align your overall company vision by applying a “Strategic Lens” to your existing portfolio of projects and prioritise your projects that best align with your organisational goals. Every project is a pathway towards accomplishing a strategic goal (part of a fluid roadmap), an outlined approach, and to deliver key quantifiable benefits that moves your organisation forward.

Reworq Consulting provides a broad range of Project Management services from advisory, consulting, implementation, and post-implementation reviews. As an experienced practitioner in business transformations, we design, facilitate, and accelerate transformation programs.

We build the strategic visions and tactical delivery of each individual project that we deliver, with clear communication, integrity, and flexibility. We collaborate with our clients to solve complex problems and to create clarity around their goals and objectives. We form part of our clients’ integrated teams by delivering subject matter expertise and creative solutions, to grow your business.

Project Management Governance

  • Business Case and Analysis
  • Develop Requirements (RFI, RFP)
  • Project Delivery (Business Non-IT / IT – CRM, ERP, SaaS)
  • Project Post-Implementation Reviews (PIR)
  • Project Risk and Assurance

Our Value Proposition

project management align approach organisation vision strategic lens

Align Approach

Align your overall organisation vision by applying a “Strategic Lens” to your existing projects. Build visibility to goals by ensuring your projects portfolio supports your strategy. 

project management create flexibility agile processes strategic

Create Flexibility

Create an organisation with Agile processes and commitment on strategic Project Management.

project management improve growth project lifecycle

Improve Growth

Improve your growth through more efficient processes. Increase customer-centric value, increase speed of project delivery, and improve your project lifecycle.

Risk Management

Risk Management is a process and hence with any process, it needs to be consistently revisited. An organisation, its environment, and its risks are constantly changing. A critical requirement for all organisations is to build their Risk Management Frameworks, develop risk strategies, and implement controls systems to reduce the impact of operational and financial risk.

Organisations usually have the option to Accept, Avoid, Control, or Transfer the ‘risk’. Such risks can adversely impact many areas within an organisation and the focus must be on delivering risk and compliance solutions that promotes business transformation and growth, but also supports ethical business behaviour.

Reworq Consulting can help you align Risk Management practices with business objectives and regulatory requirements. With proactive facilitation of risk identification, enhancement, and management initiatives, we work with clients to define your Risk Roadmap and Change Management strategies around risk appetite.

We use technology, innovation, data, and analytics to examine risk-management oversight, focusing on the core management processes against emerging trends and industry best practices.

Risk Management & Compliance

  • Compliance Process Assessment
  • Credit Risk Assessment, Reporting and Framework
  • Data and Analytics
  • Internal Controls Assessment and Framework
  • Process, Risk, and Procedures Evaluation
  • Regulatory Compliance and Remediation (Privacy Act, PPSR, Terms and Conditions)
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOXA)

Our Value Proposition

bring clarity to decision making disruptive change planning business driven solutions

Engage Feedback

Leverage and oversee a Risk Framework to add greater value with a cross-disciplinary approach to thoughtful risk design, practices, and behaviours.

risk management create flexibility agile processes

Create Flexibility

Create an organisation with Agile processes and commitment to a Risk and Compliance Framework.

risk management improve risks controls tolerance ethics awareness

Improve Risk Controls

Improve your risk mitigation through more efficient processes. Increase risk appetite / tolerance due to integration of internal controls, ethics, and awareness.

Working Capital

Cash is the lifeblood for any organisation! Now more important than ever to optimise this fundamental measure of liquidity and support business growth. But how do companies generate “free cash”? Well, simply by an improved Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC).

Executive Management Teams all too frequently focus only on the Profit & Loss Statement and not taking into consideration what significant value is contained within the Balance Sheet. Additionally, very few organisations manage their liquidity with the same laser-focus on their efforts to increase revenue or reduce expenses (and costs), notwithstanding the serious internal challenges than can interfere with their ability to implement change.

With a clear and defined focus on ‘cash-excellence’ as part of ongoing operations, organisations become more resilient by changing underlying systems (and mindsets) and highlighting the importance of rigorous process management through the entire Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC). By utilising expert management of the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), liquidity levels can be significantly freed-up but only by sustained focus and improvement. This requires Executives to implement a “top-to-bottom” approach, which requires stakeholders cross-functional co-operation and an organisation-wide focus to embed a ‘cash-excellence’ culture.

Reworq Consulting can help you tackle these challenges by identifying, delivering, and sustainably unlocking “free” cashflow opportunities from Working Capital improvements. We have significant expertise in best practices, metrics, and technology trends aimed at optimising the operational accounts that impact the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC).

Whether through continued improvement of the processes underlying the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) as part of a dedicated programme or alongside procurement transformation (SaaS, IT), the Balance Sheet can feasibly be improved as much as 20%. Just the transformation of the Order-to-Cash (O2C) process alone, a company can expect to increase cashflow by between 10%-25%.

Working Capital Advisory

  • Credit Management “Best Practice Model”
  • Contingency Planning, Consulting, and Turnaround
  • Order-to-Cash (O2C) – Accounts Receivable Management
  • Procure-to-Pay (P2P) – Accounts Payable Management
  • Forecast-to-Fulfil (F2F) – Inventory Management
  • Performance Metrics (Dashboards, KPI’s and KRA’s)

Our Value Proposition

working capital free up cash conversion cycle return on capital employed

Free Up Cash

Unlock cashflow opportunities embedded in the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), “free” up cash to invest in your future growth, and improve Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).

working capital create flexibility agile processes

Create Flexibility

Create an organisation with Agile processes and commitments on Receivables, Payables, and Inventory.

working capital improve profitability lower dso increased cash position

Improve Profitability

Improve your profitability through more efficient processes. Lower warehousing costs, lower active stock risks, lower DSO, increased cash position v. P&L trade-off.